I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year like no other. As your martial arts academy,  we had to pivot very rapidly to continue serving our community. We evolved repeatedly as we made adjustments to constant changes, and every month felt like starting again. I think it is fair to say that we’ve worked harder this year than ever before.

The world has experienced multiple disasters: COVID-19, wild fires, riots and looting, just to name a few. I know some of you have lost loved ones over this past year. Despite this being the most challenging year in memory, I am so grateful for many things:

  • OUR INSTRUCTORS – Our team pulled off the miracle feat of meeting the needs of our community and keeping our school relevant. In a year where many businesses struggled and 30-40% of all martial arts schools closed their doors permanently, we were able to thrive. It takes a team of rock stars to do that, and I am thankful that our instructors are among the best in the world. 
  • OUR STUDENTS – We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. Thank you – all 426 of you – for allowing us to do what we love every day. Your support has meant more to us than words can express.
  • MY FAMILY – My wife Liz is my bedrock. She makes me feel like a hero, and that motivates me to be the best leader I can be. My two children, Kyle and Keira, amaze me with their resilience and talents. Thank you for making me so proud. 

No matter what life throws our way, I choose to have an attitude of gratitude. Please accept my THANK YOU for being a part of our story. Happy Thanksgiving!

With Humility and Appreciation,

Sifu David Chang