Q: Can I join without a debit or credit card?

A: No. We require that all student accounts be secured by a valid payment card.

Q: Can I pay with cash or check?

A: No. Wushu Central is designed around electronic payments, and we do not keep a cash register on site.

Q: Do you accept electronic payments? 

A: Yes. We accept Zelle and Venmo, but you must still retain a valid payment card on file.

Zelle payments can be sent to [email protected]

Venmo payments can be sent to @wushucentral (last 4 digits: 5011)

Important note for Venmo payments: You must set ‘Turn on for purchases’ to OFF. If you turn it on, you must add $10 to your payment to cover the additional charge from Venmo. 

Payments will be applied to your next tuition billing balance. If there is any balance still due when it is your next billing date, the card on file will be automatically charged. Important: Zelle and Venmo payments are processed manually. Remit payment a minimum of 3 days prior to our auto-bill date to give time for the staff to process your payment. 

Q: What is the admin fee for?

A: The admin fee covers our costs of tuition processing. It is built into our tuition pricing model.

Q: Can the admin fee be waived?

A: The admin fee is waived if you make payment by Zelle or Venmo before your billing date.