In March 2020, COVID-19 prompted shut-downs of most companies including our own. We pivoted and developed an groundbreaking online martial arts program that saw over 350 students from around the globe. In April 2020, we posted the following blog to our students and contemporaries so that they could see how we were able to teach martial arts virtually with such success. Enjoy

I thought you’d enjoy a little peak behind the curtain, so you can see what it’s like providing the best remote martial arts learning experience possible.

The Set Up

It all begins with having a team that is not only incredibly talented and determined, but also flexible. You all know and love the amazing teachers we have here, but what is more impressive is at how quickly they were able to adapt their teaching style to a new format. Live online classes have to be fast-paced, motivating, educational, and fun! After all, we’re competing with Netflix and Disney+ for your screen time, so we have to be at the top of our game. I hope you’ll agree that we’re crushing it in this department.

Next is the hardware. To provide an optimal experience, we invested in two Mac computers (soon to be three), a large TV, an HD camera, additional lighting, two wireless microphones, and remote server space. Having business-class internet is also a must to ensure our stream quality is excellent.

Show Time

Once class is about to begin, the coaches get in front of the camera, hook up their mics, and get to work. It’s a wondrous mix of choreographed teamwork and spontaneous insights as the instructors interact with the students to both teach and delight them.

The “Command Center” instructor manages the technical and administrative aspect of the classes, screening incoming students and resolving any issues that may arise. At the end of the lesson, a video of the class is saved and uploaded to our Vimeo storage for students to watch if they missed it, or simply want to review. And that’s how it’s done!

I hope you enjoyed this Behind The Scenes tour of how Wushu Central works its magic, and the team is looking forward to seeing you in class again soon!